// Author: Ika, Date: 08/04/2015 -->// The following code can be used to generate the SVG image of ordinals \omega^2.// Anyone can copy and revise this code without any copyright concern.importjava.io.File;importjava.io.FileInputStream;importjava.io.FileOutputStream;importjava.io.FileWriter;importjava.io.PrintWriter;publicclassOrdinal{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{Fileoutput=newFile("ordinal_ww.svg");FileWriterfw=newFileWriter(output);PrintWriterpw=newPrintWriter(fw);pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>");pw.println("<!-- Author: Ika, Date: 08/04/2015 -->");pw.println("<!-- Anyone can copy and revise this code without any copyright concern. -->");pw.println("<svg width=\"512\" height=\"384\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">");pw.println("\n\t<g style=\"stroke:black; stroke-width:1\" >");// Draw the vertical lines...doublemagic_frac=0.875;// the length ratio between each pair of segmentsdoublemin_l=0.1;// the least length of each segmentdoublex=1.0,y=0.0,l=384.0;doubleL=l;// restored length after each loopdo{do{pw.println("\t\t<path d=\"m"+x+" "+y+" v"+l+"\" />");x+=l*(1-magic_frac)/6;y+=l*(1-magic_frac)/2;l*=magic_frac;}while(l>min_l);l=L*=magic_frac;y=(384-l)/2;}while(L>min_l);pw.println("\t</g>");pw.println("\n</svg>");fw.close();}catch(Exceptione){}}}
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
abïcɔl – Të cï yïn lon ë raandɛ̈ luööi, ku wïc ba lueel ye ŋa ë lööm yïn luɔi thïn, ka dhil ba gɔ̈t në kuer gör yen ye, tëdɛ̈ ke kuer cï gɔ̈t në anyoothluɔic. Lakin, acie kuer lëu bï ye tak lɔn kɔ̈ɔ̈c yen raanë ke yï, tëdɛ̈ ka kääc ke të ̈cï yïn londe luööi thïn.
röm acït – Të wɛɛr yïn lon känic amääth, tëdɛ̈ të löök yïn ee nyïn ëbɛ̈n në wëlku, tëdɛ̈ të juɛk yïn ee nhom në wëlkɔ̈k, ka kë bë bɛ̈nbei thïn alëu ba tɛkpiny, të buɔɔth yïn anyoothluɔi kän cök wälä anyoothluɔi dɛ̈t thöŋ ke ye.