Makec tueŋ (Apamduööt SVG, yee kolookë ke aayee 700 x 560, dït de apamduööt: 263 KB)

Ɣɔ̈c apamduööt kënë ee rat jɔɔk ë Wikimedia Commons ku alëu bï luöi ë loiloilɔtueŋ kɔ̈kyiic. Lëkcäät ë yär ë lëkcäät apamduööt de denë atɔ̈ piiny ëtɛ̈n.


English: SVG version for MaximumParaboloid.png.
Tënëyök Luɔ̈igup
Agɔ̈t IkamusumeFan
Other versions
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This plot was created with Gnuplot.
This file uses translateable embedded text.
Source code

Gnuplot code

# Date: 2015-08-03
# Please use or revise this code without any copyright concern. Thanks.

set term svg size 700,560 enhanced font 'Times,12'
set output 'max_paraboloid.svg'

set multiplot

set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
set zlabel "z"
set xrange [-3.0:3.0]
set yrange [-3.0:3.0]
set zrange [-15.0:5.0]
unset colorbox
set view 60,15
set style fill solid 0.30 border

set cntrparam levels auto 20
set contour base
set isosamples 20,20
set samples 20,20
set pm3d
set hidd
unset key
set ticslevel 0

# Draw the surface of f(x,y) = 4-(x*x+y*y)
set palette defined (-15 "navy", 4 "cyan")
splot 4-(x*x+y*y)

# One label at the maxima.
set label 1 "{/=26 (0,0,4)}" at 0, 0, 6

# Two points.
set pointsize 1
unset pm3d
unset contour
splot 'twopts.txt' w p pt 7 lc "blue"
# Prepare a text file 'twopts.txt' as follows (no #s):
# 0 0 4
# 0 0 -15

unset multiplot
set term windows
set output

set input

  1. 0 0 -17


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
abïcɔl röm acït
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Yïn launhom
  • bë röm – bë luoi thuur, ku tekpiny ku tooc aɣeer
  • bë bɛnlääp – bë looië jiɛlpiny
Käbɔ̈kë cök
  • abïcɔl – Të cï yïn lon ë raandɛ̈ luööi, ku wïc ba lueel ye ŋa ë lööm yïn luɔi thïn, ka dhil ba gɔ̈t në kuer gör yen ye, tëdɛ̈ ke kuer cï gɔ̈t në anyoothluɔic. Lakin, acie kuer lëu bï ye tak lɔn kɔ̈ɔ̈c yen raanë ke yï, tëdɛ̈ ka kääc ke të ̈cï yïn londe luööi thïn.
  • röm acït – Të wɛɛr yïn lon känic amääth, tëdɛ̈ të löök yïn ee nyïn ëbɛ̈n në wëlku, tëdɛ̈ të juɛk yïn ee nhom në wëlkɔ̈k, ka kë bë bɛ̈nbei thïn alëu ba tɛkpiny, të buɔɔth yïn anyoothluɔi kän cök wälä anyoothluɔi dɛ̈t thöŋ ke ye.


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depicts English

copyrighted English

inception English

3 Pɛnëbɛ̈t 2015

media type English


Käthɛɛr ë makec

Tuenyë në aköl/akɔ̈licic apamduööt ɣoi kecit rɔt nyuɔɔth në akölic.

ee mënë11:12, 3 Pɛnëbɛ̈t 2015Alelthook ë riöpcök, tɛ̈cït 11:12, 3 Pɛnëbɛ̈t 2015700 × 560 (263 KB)IkamusumeFanUser created page with UploadWizard

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